Various Ministries
- Iron Sharpens Iron (Men’s Fellowship)
Ministry directed towards edifying the men of God through the word of God, discussion, and fellowship.
- Women of Worth (Women’s Fellowship)
Ministry directed towards edifying the women of God through the word of God, discussion, and fellowship.
- H.O.W. Street Squad Ministries (click Here for link)
This team’s sole purpose is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and ensure professing Christians find a place of biblical repentance.
- Praise Dance Ministry
This anointed group of young people are committed to praising God through dance. Their discipline and desire for excellence is evident in their graceful strides.
- Praise and Worship Team
Dedicated to ushering in the presence of God and setting the captives free through song, percussion, and stringed instruments. There is truly an anointing on this group.
- S.H.I.N.E. (click Here for link)
Stands for Seeking Holiness while Impacting a Nation Endangered. This is the name of the Youth Group at Harvest One Way. They are not only the future, but represent the kingdom of God NOW!
- H.O.W. Youth Sunday School
The bible says to “train up a child in the way he should go” this ministry is committed to doing so. The youth are learning discipline, love, unity, and most importantly, they’re learning about Jesus Christ.
- Media Ministry
Dedicated to reaching out to others through various technological platforms – including this one.